
Friday, May 25, 2012

Development of instructional media in Education

Each of the students who do not have the same sensory capabilities, both driving and eyesight, as well as his ability to speak. There are sources of good or happy reading, others prefer to listen to a new first reading, and vice versa. With a variety of media usage, senses weakness which each such students, teachers can begin to speak first, then write on the board, followed by a look at a concrete example. With such variation may provide sensory stimulation to the students. With all these variations will collaborate to create nature education in the classroom will be better and interesting. There will be no boredom in the classroom.
In planning a study to note a number of requirements. Teachers must consider not only the requirements of the task, but also the requirements of students and groups where they work in the study and participated therein.

The development here is the development of instructional media that interact directly to students, teachers and schools. There are three components in the use of media, the media view, the media heard and tactile media.

When teachers in using the media varies from one medium into another medium of learning, or teaching materials from one to the other different materials, will require a lot of sense protégé adjustment, keeps the attention of students to be higher, given the motivation to learn, encourage thinking and enhance learning ability.

Therefore, the boredom of the students in the class will be wiped out when a teacher has a many-different variations in the methods and media in the present study are in learning. Here's understanding of the media view, the media heard and tactile media that is in use by teachers in educational technology in the classroom.

Teaching Style Variations

Personal form of fun student teachers in the learning process is not easy. Professionalism of teachers in the classroom teaching is still much to be said there are less capable. Such a thing could happen due to one of them is in dealing with student or class, the teacher can not control it. When broken down again turns in teaching the teachers variations in teaching is still low, monotonous style of teaching is done. Thus do not be surprised if students are not enthusiastic about taking lessons.Among the variations are minimal it is the variation in teaching, the variation in student and teacher interaction patterns in a variety of media and learning tools. While the variation in teaching include:v Soundv Emphasis (focusing)Is the way the teacher to focusv Provision of time (pausing) A play for attarct the attention of the students with pauses. Contact view An eye on the students in average teacher to give the impression of a sympathetic and friendly, as if the pupils to talk to.v Expression countenance. This expression can also be called a teacher with a facial expression, can know the state teachers and students whether serious or not. This expression such as smiling, raising eyebrows and so on in this way what was delivered orally was more effective. Movement of limbs (gesturing)Variations associated with the teaching of a teacher is usually strongly associated with the style of character. Teaching style that has a style that made sense at the time of teachers teaching in the classroom. In this case also include fast or slow steps carried out in the street through lessons or in other words more or less materials given by teachers on teaching time. 

However, to do a variation of this teaching should be based on principles of teaching are:v To use a variation of skills should be all kinds of variations are used. In addition there should be a variation of the use of components for each type of variation in all of them to achieve learning objectives.v Using a smooth and continuous variation so that the moment the whole learning process is not broken, the attention of students and not interrupt .using process variation component must be fully structured and planned by the teacher. Because it requires the use of a flexible fit with less spontaneous feedback received by students. Usually the feedback form is:• The feedback concerning the behavior of the student's attention and order.• Feedback information about knowledge and learning.Conducted variations of the students taught by teachers without a purpose or activity is not the purpose. The objective of teaching variations are:v Develop and maintain attention to the relevance of learning Tools for students. Provide opportunities for the proper functioning of the possibility of motivation. Establish a positive attitude toward teachers and schoolv To give the possibility to learn undividual fasilitasa nd choicev Encourage students to learn.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Know Your Child Talent & Potential

A few decades ago, the intelligence of children has always been associated with academic intelligence. Children are considered intelligent if they were never absent entry in the top three ranking in its class.
No wonder the parents are competing to spur children to have higher academic skills than their peers. However, it is not like that anymore. A person's intelligence is no longer taken into account only in terms of academics.
Those who have the advantage of non-academic fields began to get a place. Moreover, many examples of people who succeeded because of its ability in the field of non-academic. For example, from the field of sports has a lot of young athletes that the name of his own nation This of course makes the parents are no longer looking at her from the side of academic intelligence alone.
Parents who can see his abilities in other areas began to realize and no longer force myself to her baby to be the most intelligent child in the classroom. Similarly, the development of academic intelligence, non-academic intelligence should begin to be developed as early as possible in children.
To that end, parents must recognize what exactly is talent and potential that lies within her baby. By knowing the talent and potential of their children early, parents will be easier to steer so that children can explore their talents and potential early on. Therefore, recognizing the talents of children early will dig deeper into the potential of a child.
Good nutrition, the environment is full of excitement and democratic parents an opportunity for the birth of gifted children. But if our children are gifted? What traits, characteristics? How to recognize it? Below are some tips for recognizing the talent of your child: 

  1. Do you own or your spouse talented? Is there one or more brother / sister / brother in law you are talking earlier than when under the age of three years? Could point the way to go home with ease? Have a sharp memory of the image? If yes, then it will decrease the tendency for your kids too.
  2. Overly sensitive weepy, sentimental, irritable, easily awakened from sound sleep due to the mediocre are baseline characteristics of gifted children. Even children are exposed to irritation from the clothing label on the neck or in connection thick socks, children's talent show.
  3. Have the IQ test score above 125 is one of the existing talent in your child. Only requires a separate test to find real talent. Moreover, IQ tests can not be done for children under 9 years of age because it will not be accurate.
  4. In everyday life, the child has the characteristics of attention, very observant, meticulous in its early stages are out of line, showing great curiosity, a sharp memory, focus for a long time, easy to learn with just a little repetition and can give reasons strong for all actions and words.
  5. In language acquisition, children who are gifted tend to be more advanced vocabulary than children's peers, start reading activities at an early age, always ask, "What if ...." or "Why is not .....". He also showed the ability to read quickly and reach a broad topic.
  6. Emotionally and socially, the child is interested in topics that are not common, such as what death is, where people after death, why people die rot and others. In sensitivity, children are usually very sensitive and easily provoked to physical activity outdoors.
  7. Such children also have a good sense of humor, even to the level can laugh at yourself, just like adults. He is also usually a perfectionist, wants all composed, and finished with a perfect pattern. Such children are always full of energy, not easily tired, and easy to adjust and close to the adults.
  8. He can think abstractly, for example kekeluargaannya complex relationships such as cousins ​​or brothers or parents of my grandmother. In short that is not directly related to him, it was abstract. He could also understand the time frame in the past and future, for example, "When dad was a kid ...".
  9. He was able to draw, or build something with complex and unusual patterns, such as by medium blocks, crayons, watercolors, drawings, sand, clay and so on.
  10. There are clear differences between the gifted and intelligent children. Gifted children tend to be bored, likes to play, do not like to learn because it already knows the answer, and even too critical to question the answers that already exist. Smart kids love to learn, listen well, to answer the question properly, give attention and love are the same age range.
Gifted children tend to be rebellious, somewhat lazy, selfish wants, like questioning the establishment, do not like to learn, excel in a multiple choice test because he tends to guess, but he was also critical of himself.
Keep in mind that gifted child or children must be smart not closely related to success in life. If any students, so he could be a smart and talented criminal.
In the schools, gifted children tend to be overlooked or not identified because they are usually violent maker, ran thither, and tend to be lazy with school standards are generally classed as a child who can not afford school.
Quite often, they say, dwarf teacher as a bad boy, would-be criminals, baseball will pass, not the next grade, and so forth.
The things that are socially just further alienate them from the school. In addition, children from poorer social classes and children from minority groups in race, ethnicity and religion usually do not qualify for gifted children in the screening carried out in schools. That's because schools generally look for children who sit quietly, sitting in the front seat and not denied his master.

KIDS TALENT, Predicting from his favorite?

Child's interest in something can appear as a child, but we doubt if it reflects his talent. Why? Environment where children are pouring time according to what the existing facility, but is not set in stone that we will not necessarily be seen from this talent. In fact we will likely do if the act of observing ketersesatan us who like to give toys and labeled as if we had found her talent.
Talents of children will look when he was confronted with something that is not just a toy. Among what he most enjoys even be visible where it has the highest potential. (again be careful, we can either guess, because we who love the weather gave him an environment that could be shape it). How much do we give him the support will facilitate even more focused on what channel it is given.
Aptitude test is required to use a good method to determine the TALENT children, but whether we would be willing to push it away? Who knew we were still debating with myself about it.
It's the parents that many children will determine where the ... talents ... let it be grown in him, and facilities where potential will bring.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Stimulating Your Toddler: Practical information to help train your child

11 Steps To Help train your Child Brain

(Creative materials)
Scribbling with crayons provides tremendous satisfaction for many babies. Taping the paper to a table, the floor, or an easel will keep it from sliding all over, and confiscating the crayons as soon as they are applied where they shouldn't be or if baby decides to chew on one will help tech their proper use. Don't allow pens and pencils, except under close supervision, since the sharp points can spell disaster if baby falls on either one. Finger painting can be fun for some, while others are uncomfortable with muddy fingers that are an occupational hazard of the art. Although hand washing demonstrates that the condition is only temporary, some children continue resisting the medium. Musical toys can be fun, too. Baby can also learn to improvise musically, with a wooden or metal spoon on a pot bottom, for instance, if you demonstrate first.

(Putting and taking toys)
Babies love to put things in and take them out although the latter skill develops before the former. You can buy putting-and-taking toys, or just use objects around the house such as empty boxes, wooden spoons, measuring cups, paper cups and plates, and napkins. Fill a basket with a variety of small items (but not small enough for baby to mouth and choke on) for starters. Be ready to do most of the putting in until baby becomes much more proficient. Sand and water allow for putting in and taking out in the form of pouring - and most toddlers love both materials but they require constant supervision.

(Shape sorters)
Usually long before babies can say circle, square or triangle, they have learned to recognize these shapes and can put them in the proper opening in a shape-sorter toy. These toys also teach manual dexterity and, in some cases, colours. Be aware, however, that baby may need many demonstrations and much assistance before mastery of shape sorters is achieved.

(Dexterity toys)
Toys that require turning, twisting, pushing, pressing, and pulling encourage children to use their hands in a variety of ways. Many parental demonstrations may be needed before babies are able to handle some of the more complicated manoeuvres, but once mastered, these toys provide hours of concentrated play

(Bath toys for water play)
These teach many concepts, and allow the joy of water play without a mess all over the floor or furniture. The bathtub is also a good place for blowing bubbles - but you'll probably have to do the blowing yourself for a while yet.
(Follow the leader play)
Daddy starts clapping, then mummy. Baby is encouraged to follow suit. Then daddy flaps his arms, and mummy does, too. After a while, baby will follow the leader without prodding, and eventually will be able to take the lead.
(Books, magazines, anything with pictures)
You can't have a live horse, elephant, and lion in your living room - but you can have all of them, and more, visit your home in a book or magazine. Look at and read books with your baby several times durng the day. Each reading session will probably be short, maybe no more than a few minutes, because of your child's limited attention span, but together they will build a firm foundation for later enjoyment of reading.
(Materials for pretend play)
Toy dishes, kitchen equipment, pretend food, play houses, trucks and cars, hats, grown-ups' shoes, sofa cushions - almost anything can be magically transformed in an imaginative toddler's world of make believe. This kind of play develops social skills as well as fine motor co-ordination (putting on and taking off clothing, scrambling eggs or cooking soup), creativity, and imagination.

(Space safe for supervised climbing)
 Babies love to climb steps (when you're not supervising, a gate is a must), clamber up a slide (stay right behind, just in case), manoeuvre onto a low chair or on and off the bed. Let them - but stand by and be ready to come to the rescue if need be. 

(A varied environment)
The baby who sees nothing but the inside of his or her own home, the family car, and the supermarket is going to be a very bored. There's an exciting world outside the door, and your baby should see it daily. Even going out in the rain or snow (barring flooding and blizzard conditions) can be a learning experience. Give your baby a tour of area playgrounds, parks, or other busy areas with lots of people to see.
Cheer your baby on as new skills are mastered. Achievement, while satisfying, often means more when accompanied by recognition.

How To Potty Train a Toddler In Two Days

Original Post by Carrie Lauth 
Ah, potty training!
Go to a local bookseller and you will find dozens of books on the subject. Search the Net and there are thousands of websites with information on how to do it stress free. There are even people who are capitalizing on a parent's frustration with potty training by offering to do it for you, for a hefty sum! I honestly can't imagine anything more unseemly than paying someone to teach my child to "go". 


I have successfully potty trained two out of 3 kids so far, baby number 3 is only 14 months so she is off the hook for a few months at least ;)
I seem to be the envy of the playgroups when other Moms see that my 3 year old son has been in whitey tighties for over a year. My oldest was also 2 when he potty learned.

For me, potty training starts with a newborn. Now don't get me wrong...I do diaper my babes (unlike the native African mothers who wear their babies on their backs and who, to avoid being soiled on, learn to read their babies' cues so well that they know when their newborn needs to be held over a bush...no, I'm not kidding!) but I have always used cloth diapers, which encourages babies to train early. I'm not a longhaired, barefoot, off-the-grid hippie (not that there's anything wrong with that, but you're more likely to find me in Doc Martens than Birkenstocks!) but I have been cloth diapering since the beginning.

It has saved me hundreds and hundreds of dollars, but I also like the fact that my babies begin to make the association with the uncomfortable wet feeling and the knowledge that they can prevent it. Most babies will wake up dry in the morning at several months of age, demonstrating that they are physically able to "hold it". In my opinion, Pull Ups are evil and yet another invention that some clever businessman came up with that parents now think is a necessity. Along with formula, baby swings, and the like. Pull Ups just enable a 5 year old to keep soiling himself. Research has shown that cloth diapered babies potty learn several months earlier than disposable diapered babies.

So here's Grandma's recipe (and I do owe it to my Mother, like most of the good stuff I know about parenting) for easy potty training, even if you choose not to cloth diaper.
Let your baby come into the bathroom when you go. That way, they know what's going on in there. You don't have to get graphic, just talk to them about what toilets are for. If you are a woman at home all day with boy children, encourage Daddy to show 'em how it's done. You don't want them thinking that if they go on the toilet their equipment will fall off, like Mum's obviously did. Strange, but true...some tots will come to this conclusion.

Buy 3 or 4 of those cheap little molded plastic potties and put them around the house. At least, one in each bathroom and one in the kitchen or the room where you spend the most time with your child. Stick a towel underneath for the sake of your carpet if said child is a boy. Speaking of boys...you can take advantage of nature here by keeping an open mind. I know at least one boy who was trained when his Mom let him go off the side of the deck.

The summer that your child is closest to two, take two days and don't leave the house. Let your child run around naked from the waist down, with a big tee shirt on top so that private parts stay private.

Every 10 minutes, place the child matter-of-factly on the pot. DO NOT ASK inane questions like "Do you need to go potty sweetie pie!?" We are talking about dealing with a two year old here! Just do it like it's the thing to do, and don't ask permission. Don't force it, and if he/she wants to get up right away, let him or her.

If you have a resistant child, set a timer to go off every 10 minutes. It's amazing what a child will do when the power dynamic is taken away. When the "potty timer" goes off, it's time to sit on the pot!

Use praise but don't go overboard. Act like this is the expected thing. Be cool. Say "You put peepee in the potty, just like Mommy and Daddy (and big brother, and your older play group friend...3rd parties are gold here!!) do.

Don't make a big deal out of what's happening. Don't spend hours reading potty training books or videos to the child. Again, be cool. If you make it into a big deal, your child will be more likely to dig in and resist.

Have some "big boy shorts" or "big girl panties" that you know your child will like, perhaps that you have picked out together, ready for the end of the two days. Your child will be less likely to have accidents if s/he is going to mess up their new undies.
When the inevitible accidents happen, don't scold. Be patient and gracious. This is part of the job. Remember that even if you decide to spring for carpet cleaning, you will still come out ahead if you don't have to buy diapers for another year or two!

How to Teach Your Toddler Manners

It's true — you'll never get your 2-year-old to chew with her mouth closed. But you might be surprised what she can learn if you focus on conveying the idea of manners, the principle that there are ways to behave and ways not to behave. Your toddler has actually been learning this lesson for some time now, as she tests limits and gauges your reactions. If you get the idea of manners across early and often, she'll catch on faster — and resist less — when you start adding some specifics later.
  • Be an inspiring role model. Start by setting an example — something that's easier in theory than in practice. (How faithfully do you write your thank-you notes?) It may sound simplistic, but the best way to have polite kids is to be polite. And at age 2, your child wants nothing more than to be like Mom and Dad. If your spouse is standing in front of the refrigerator when you need to open it, say, "Excuse me." If your child gets used to hearing courteous speech around the house, that's the kind of speech she'll use herself.
  • Start with the basics. Saying "please" and "thank you" is usually the first bit of courtesy any parent tries to teach, and you can start as soon as your child is using some words to communicate, usually sometime after the first year. It's going to be a long time before she gets "please" and "thank you" down, but once your toddler starts talking you'll probably find yourself automatically tacking on the polite words and pausing for her to repeat them. Parents have been doing this for generations: "What do you say?" "What's the magic word?" They were right. For a little extra reinforcement from every 2-year-old's favorite red furry friend, try reading Elmo's Good Manners Game. Toddlers will have a great time helping Elmo think of the magic word.
  • Ask her to join you at the table. Learning to sit still for more than five minutes straight is a major achievement for a 2-year-old, so try never to put yourself in a situation where disaster will strike if your child wiggles or wails. (You know you always have to take the aisle seat at weddings so you and the small cranky one can slip out fast, right?) But family dinners can be terrific practice time. Make sure your goals are reasonable: Fifteen minutes at the dinner table, butt on the chair the whole time, can be terribly hard work for your squirmy toddler. You might want to set incrementally increasing goals, perhaps using a kitchen timer: five minutes at first and then another couple of minutes as she gets the hang of it. When having dinner at the homes of friends and relatives, tell her ahead of time that this is a chance to show off her new sitting-still skills. When she succeeds, praise her efforts, but not so much that she feels she's doing something above and beyond what's normal. And remember, this is a 2-year-old we're talking about — expect backsliding, and try to stay cheerful about it.
  • Encourage polite greetings. At 2 years old, your child can certainly can learn to say "hello" when arriving for visits or meeting new people and "goodbye" when it's time to depart. She will be wildly unreliable about it, saying "Hello" very sweetly on one occasion and then collapsing into shyness or bursting into tears on the next. But in general it's a good move to teach these salutations because they pave the way for the more advanced stuff, like "Nice to meet you" and shaking hands. Some preparation helps here: "When we get to Grandpa's, we're going to say, 'Hi, Grandpa,' okay?" If this is the first visit with Grandpa and you think he might have forgotten what you were like when you were 2 years old, you'll also need some advance work with him so he doesn't get his feelings hurt when the grandbaby hides her face and refuses to speak to him. ("Remember, Dad, she's just 2 and might be shy at first.")
  • Try for playdate civility. Toddlers' first quarrels are usually over sharing their toys, which from their perspective is an outrageous thing to ask of them. Don't expect sainthood, but you'll do your child a favor if you start teaching her now that when other kids are around she can't hog all the toys, whether at home or at daycare or preschool. Lay down some simple ground rules: If there's a favorite one-person toy, everybody takes a turn with it. Nobody gets to decide how somebody else plays with a toy, as long as the toy's not being damaged. Nobody gets to hit, shove, or call people names. Respond to infractions with a clear warning, and, if necessary, an immediate end to the playtime. Finally, don't forget to praise your child — specifically naming the swell thing she just did ("It was nice of you to let Tyler throw your ball") — when she does behave generously or thoughtfully around other kids. And don't forget to lead by example; grabbing the TV remote from your spouse and changing the channel is the exact sort of behavior you want to discourage in your child.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

National Education Day, Seasonal Momentum

May 2 each year is celebrated as National Education Day. Why was this date chosen, because that date is the date of birth of Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat, which since 1922 using the name of Ki Hajar Dewantara, the father of education in Indonesia. Why is he to be given the title of national hero? That's because he fought for giving an opportunity for the community to share in the joy of education in ancient times was reserved only for children priyayis or nobility.

Each year, the country has been free of colonial rule, always struggling with the problem of education. It is said that the year 2012, Indonesia Education Day was celebrated under the theme "Rise of the Golden Generation". From year to year there is always a program or plan that the government's aim to advance education in Indonesia. But in fact, ranked Indonesia in terms of education, continues to decline. Something is wrong in a government program that should improve, why even go down in the eyes of the world?

Many opinions say, the progress of a nation depends on education. In Indonesia, it is commonplace to say everything costs money. Officials felt still less rich riches, but that's what they are supposed to fight for people's welfare. However, it is easier to see ugliness than the performance shown by the government. More state funds allocated to pay the debt, so that funds for education, less a priority.
Not long ago, just elementary school students through high school to the National Examination, which is a program that fails to be maintained. I say why the UN as a failure, because the government provides a national standard for passing grade. Whether national standards of education also? Are students in Papua have got nutrition and quality of teachers is the same as students in big cities like Jakarta? If the supporting factors of education has not been evenly distributed, mean values ​​can not be flattened graduation standards.

Compare with Finland, which became the center of world attention thanks to the success of its education system. In terms of education, the Government full support in terms of budget funds. However, the right to determine curriculum and teaching how to remain in the hands of teachers who teach. It is clear, how the government knew the quality of a school if the government gets only the data written? Meanwhile, school teachers spend almost all his time to his students. In Finland, too, the teacher is a highly regarded profession even though the salary is considered mediocre. 

The difference with Indonesia, to become a teacher in Finland, should be entered as 10 graduates of the best S2. Exam system is also different. Students have full rights to perform the test, when he feels ready, then that test will be performed. If a child does not succeed in the exams, teachers who are considered less successful in educating, not the child who should be blamed for being stupid. In Indonesia, a student loaded with weights. Starting from the heavy burden of lessons, homework, and even tutoring outside of school that often prioritize the factors "a profit" in its implementation.  

There have been many socially minded they provide free schooling for those who are less fortunate, whether the government has not terketuk? Imagine, how can you learn to concentrate when your heart alarmed if the walls could collapse instantly school or have to hazard for the school. Even sometimes there are cases where a teacher does not act like an educator. So, do you become a teacher, but become educators. There are different meanings of 'patronizing' to 'educate'. The success of Indonesia's education could not be separated from the role of government should be more proactive in the implementation of quality education. Do not make the moment of the National Education Day as a time to arouse the spirit of perhaps two months has been forgotten. Remember Ki Hajar Dewantara who never tired of championing education for minorities
Original Posting  at http://uniqpost.com/39685/hari-pendidikan-nasional-momentum-musiman/

Road To Prototype Curiculum

C oinciding with the commemoration of Teacher's Day on November 25, 2021 in Indonesia, the  Ministry of Education and Culture, Mr. Anwa...